# index.th -- -*-tcl-*-
# Generates index.html.
beginDocument -file index.html {
# The following commands define metadata about the document.
# They translate as elements within the HTML `head' element.
title "TclHTML -- SourceForge"
keywords TclHTML Tcl HTML
stylesheet sf.css
# Here we define default attributes for some HTML elements.
# This is less of a big deal with XML, which has support for
# supply default attributes through tweaking the DOCTYPE.
defaultAttrs hr noshade size=1
defaultAttrs img border=0 alt=
defaultAttrs table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0
defaultAttrs tr align=left valign=top
defaultAttrs th align=left valign=top
# I can also use Tcl variables to keep track of repeated code.
set bgColor #F8F8F0
table width=100% cellpadding=8 cellspacing=4 {
tr {
td* rowspan=4 {
h1 "[span* class=tcl Tcl][span* class=html HTML]"
p class=logo "Use Tcl to generate HTML and XHTML documents."
p "
[strong Problem.]
My Internet account comes with 20[nbsp]MiB of web space,
but does not allow for CGI scripts -- static HTML only.
I needed a way to produce a slew of HTML pages with
repeated elements (such as navigation bars),
without resorting to doing it all myself with
cut & paste -- a tedious and error-prone process at best.
p "
[strong Solution.]
Inspired by Don Libe's paper on using Tcl to program
CGI scripts, I applied the same approach
to generating my HTML files. After several rewrites
of the Tcl macro library I have decided to have a go at
wrapping it up as a little Tcl package. Thus
p "
Here's an example of TclHTML at work.
If you are familiar with Tcl and HTML,
you should be able to get the gist of what is going on:
for each HTML tag there is a Tcl command which generates it.
table width=100% {
tr {
td* bgcolor=#336666 {
table width=100% cellspacing=1 cellpadding=4 {
tr {
td* bgcolor=$bgColor {
pre -encode {ul {
li "First one thing,"
li "Then another"
td* bgcolor=$bgColor {
pre -encode {
- First one thing,
- Then another
td* bgcolor=$bgColor {
ul {
li "First one thing,"
li "Then another"
} } } } }
p "
One of the attractions of Tcl for this application is that
it allows me to define [em new control structures] to match
the structure of HTML documents. In the above example,
the Tcl command [code ul] takes a Tcl script as its
last argument, which contains [code li] commands to generate
the content of the [code ul] element.
p "
For a longer example, try
[a index.th the Tcl code for this page],
and compare it with the HTML code (`View Source').
p "[a tclhtml.html TclHTML manual.]"
td* class=sfmenu color=#FFFFFF width=96 {
# Note that the first parameter of the `img' contains
# an ampersand. This will be translated to the entity
# & by TclHTML, as required by HTML, XHTML and XML recs.
p align=center "
[a http://sourceforge.net/ \
[img http://sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=1989&type=1\
"alt=Hosted by SourceForge"\
width=88 height=31]]
# Here's a simple example of how we can use Tcl procs
# to provide higher-level commands.
proc sfLink {href icon title} {
p class=sflink "
[a //sourceforge.net/$href?group_id=1989 \
[img http://images.sourceforge.net/ic/$icon.png \
border=0 align=middle width=24 height=24][ \
img http://images.sourceforge.net/blank.gif \
border=0 width=8 height=1]$title]
# By the way, the URL argument to the `a' command
# is unusual in that it starts with //; this means to
# use the same scheme (`http:' or `https') as
# you obtained this document with.
sfLink project/ anvil24 Summary
sfLink forum/ notes Notes
sfLink bugs/ bug "Bug List"
# sfLink support/ support Support
# sfLink patch/ patch Patches
# sfLink mail/ mail "Mailing Lists"
sfLink pm/ index "Tasks"
# sfLink survey/ survey Surveys
sfLink news/ news News
sfLink cvs/ convert CVS
sfLink project/filelist.php save Downloads
tr {
td* bgcolor=#FFFFFF class=tclmenu align=center {
p class=tcllink "
[a http://www.scriptics.com/ \
[img tclLogo100.png "alt=Tcl home"]]
# This `img' command does not supply attributes
# width and height, because TclHTML can infer them
# from the image file.
tr {
td* bgcolor=#FFFFFF class=htmlmenu align=center {
p class=htmllink "
[a http://validator.w3.org/check/referer \
[img http://validator.w3.org/images/vxhtml10\
width=88 height=31 "alt=Validated XHTML 1.0!"]]
p class=htmllink "
[a http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http://tclhtml.sourceforge.net/sf.css \
[img http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/images/vcss.gif\
width=88 height=31 "alt=Validated CSS!"]]
tr {
td [nbsp]